Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another Canadian Tax Scandal

June 2009 will probably prove to be a major juncture in my battle with meal allowance, per-deum, subsistence allowance. Nothing what I’ve said in the past will change but I think a slight change in focus may be needed. In the last three years I have NEVER battled CRA regarding the application of meal allowance. However, I HAVE battled accountants and lease/owner operators.

The battle is never direct. Those who contact me directly have been very gracious and professional. However, there are too many accountants just not applying the rules correctly… or not even at ALL!. It’s disgraceful, and can only lead to disaster and confusion. It is in June 2009 I must make a choice for the betterment of the entire industry. Where do I concentrate my efforts? Immediately, right now, I’m concerned about the thousands of operators who are financially liable and don’t know it or refuse to believe it. It’s a tax scandal waiting to be exposed, but this time CRA is not the problem.

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